Live Zoom Q+A Sessions (and why they’re amazing)
Back in the early days of The Dad Course we used to meet in a pub side room over a pint (pictured!).
It’s that same atmosphere we’re trying to create in our optional online live sessions. Relaxed and fun. Honest and helpful.
Not Your Typical Online Session: The Dad Course version 1 over a pint at the pub. We aim to create the same relaxed and fun atmosphere in our online live sessions.
After you’ve signed up to The Dad Course you will be invited to sign up for a live Q+A session. These are completely optional and are offered free to men attending The Dad Course.
Most online courses are only interested in churning out the On Demand content - the honest truth is that it’s easier for them and makes more money. But we’re big believers in supporting you in the best way we think possible, so live sessions remain an important part of what we do.
If they are not for you, then no problem, but here’s why we think the live sessions are great:
Talking is important. We’re proud of our On Demand online content and know that men find it really helpful. But there’s something unique about talking to other people in the same boat and sharing what you are looking forward to and worried about. It reduces isolation, gives a sense of connection and often when others are talking guys say ‘yeah, I’ve been thinking/feeling that too, but haven’t been able to put words to it’. Which is unbelievably helpful!
It gets your questions answered - 100%. Something not make sense? Or want more information on anything in particular? This is your chance to ask any and all questions you may have. No question is off limits and we’ll pull no punches in our answers either - nothing is off the table here! The Q+A session is a great chance to learn more and make sure you go away with everything you need.
It gives dads-to-be a space to talk that is for them. We know mum gets lots of attention and space to talk during pregnancy. That’s a good thing. But many guys are not offered the same, or don’t want to ‘burden’ their partner or others with their own concerns, worries or questions. After all, they’re not pregnant, right?! But becoming a parent is huge for men too, and it’s really important to have your own space to talk about all your own stuff too.
Dads-To-Be love it. We are consistently told how valuable the guys find these sessions (often unexpectedly!). So if you’re not sure if you want to take part, we’d encourage you to go for it - you might just be surprised at how helpful it is!
Live Sessions - What To Expect
The live sessions take place at either 7 or 8pm UK time and last around 60-90 minutes. Calls are limited to 10 people to keep it personal and to make sure everyone gets to say and ask what they want to.
You’ll be offered the chance to say a bit about how you’re feeling and preparing for the journey into fatherhood and hear the same from others in the same boat. This usually leads in to some very interesting chats in itself!
After that we’ll crack straight into questions. We are proud to be no holds barred and BS free so we hope you feel comfortable to ask anything and everything you want to. I can promise we will almost certainly have heard it from someone else before!
We offer the live sessions every couple of months currently (though sometimes add extra times/dates when needed due to demand). We really strongly recommend you going for it and getting involved. They are always great times.
Live Session Dates:
Once signed up, you’ll be invited to select the live session dates that work for you. All times are based on UK timezone, and each session lasts an hour. New dates are added approximately 3 months in advance.
Current dates are:
Tuesday 28th January 2025 7pm-8pm UK time.
Tuesday 25th March 2025 7pm-8pm UK time.
Tuesday 17th June 2025, 7pm-8pm UK time.
Sign Up To The Dad Course
If you prefer to simply watch the On Demand content then that’s no problem at all. We know the live sessions aren’t for everyone (plus you can always change your mind after signing up). But for those of you who do choose to attend, we look forward to meeting on a call before too long. Either way, if you’re ready to buy The Dad Course, simply click below.